Thursday, January 21, 2010

Anna's Favourite Things

At 15 weeks of age, Anna is already showing a clear preference for a lot of things.

Seeing Mummy or Daddy after a nap
It usually takes Anna a good 15 minutes to wake up from her sleep. She takes her time with lots of stretches and has a good look around to adjust to her surroundings. She can see very little from her bassinet aside from the ceiling so when either one of us pokes our head into her view she flashes the biggest smile to let you know that she is so excited to see you. In fact, it looks like you have just made her day :)

Anna has always enjoyed her baths. No matter how much she's crying, a bath can always calm her down. So far, David has been the main bath giver and he enjoys it just as much as Anna does. For some reason she also likes to poke out her tongue in the bath, which grandpa Frank thinks is just the cutest!

Being naked
This might be related to getting ready for baths, but Anna just loves being naked. She wiggles and kicks as her clothes and nappy are being stripped off, not to mention flashing big smiles at the same time. With her big tummy she looks a bit like a tadpole without clothes, very cute indeed!

Needless to say, Anna just loves her milk. Feeling hungry or thirsty? Milk is the answer of course. Feeling tired? Milk helps too. Feeling sad or unsettled? Some more milk does the trick. Not sure what you want but feel like a little suck? Might as well have some milk! Sometimes Anna has unsettled moments in her sleep, we always think she's having nightmares that someone is taking her milk away!

Funny faces and sounds
A few weeks ago, Anna was really amused by me blowing raspberries but lately she's discovered that my yawns are the funniest thing she's ever seen. But for some reason she only smiles at mummy's yawns – do I really look that funny when I yawn?

Although she isn't too fuss about story time, she's fascinated by the turning of the pages and she has also started to show an interest for what's shown on the page. Her favourite book at the moment is 'Everyone Poops'. She learns all about different animals and their poops and we try to make it as entertaining for her as possible by making funny comments along the way. Sometimes I think she understands the story :)

This is her latest discovery! She has been rolling onto her side for ages but never managed to get all the way over. But that was to change on Monday morning. She was getting closer and closer and then finally she rolled her bum over and that gave her enough momentum to get the rest of her body over. She was a little surprised at first at her accomplishment and when I put her onto her back again she immediately tried to roll again. In fact, 3 days down the track, I cannot put her down onto a flat surface without her trying to roll over!

Sticking out her tongue
Apparently this is a reflex that she'll grow out of, but it's a pretty damn cute one :) Soon she'll be ready for solids but not before she gives up her tongue pointing reflex (as it pushes any food back out), in the meantime we'll just enjoy taking lots of photos of it!